Dual Band Pass FWDM Module

Functional Description

    Dual Band Pass FWDM Mddule uses to reduce optical fiber on mobile communication netwoeks. Most of mobile communication carriers use Bi-directional SFP instead of Duplex type SFP to reduce the optical fiber. This module makes it possible to serve CDMA, WCDMA, LTE etc. with one optic fiber.

When you install Next 5G mobile network system as RRU or optic repeater, you can use the existing

optical fiber without the need to install or rent new one. It is easy to install the module when you overlay the new signal to existing  optical fiber for new service.   




  • Features
  • Applications
  • Ordering information

Wide pass band
Low insertion loss
High isolation
High stability and rellability
Telordia qualification compliant 

Mobile access network
CATV Network
Optical communication network
CWDM Transmission System